“Fountain” collection by Lara Khoury ss17

“Fountain” collection by Lara Khoury ss17


“Fountain” collection by Lara Khoury ss17

The Fountain collection draws inspiration from Ayn Rand’s best-selling book The Fountainhead, whose protagonist is an aspiring architect up against a frustratingly conformist and collectivist world of ignorance. His struggle for understanding as well as professional recognition mirrors that of millions of creatives in our society today. Fountain champions the complexity of the creative’s mind and the precious values of individualism and integrity. Moreover, it highlights the brilliance and importance of an uninhibited and uncompromising imagination. The fabrics in the Fountain collection have been specifically sourced to represent the complexity of the creative mind; abstract matrix structures of loosely interwoven yarns or modular patterns each contribute their own unique textures and character to the collection. Distinct patterns demonstrate the unique creativity a human being can have, with purposely designed patterns executed on fabrics using laser cutting. Imagination has been explored through the molding and creating of organic forms and volumes, resulting in aesthetically and functionally harmonized garments that can stand out on their own or when paired together. Tying the collection together are symbolic colors: black and white for originality; red for passion; blue for the identity of the LK brand.