Paul Smith signed his personal playlist for applemusic

Paul Smith signed his personal playlist for applemusic


Paul Smith signed his personal playlist for applemusic


Britain’s leading designer, Paul Smith, has created a series of playlists for Apple Music celebrating his music taste and the role music plays in his career. “From the album artwork to the friendships I’ve built over the years with musicians, it’s all a part of my creative process”, says Paul. Paul’s contribution will include three themed playlists. Each playlist will explore one particular aspect of Paul’s relationship with music.

The first playlist, ‘Around the World in 20 Tracks’, is a soundtrack to Paul’s constant global travels. ‘Something old, something new…’ is a playlist in four parts that blends past and present influences to mirror Paul’s famous design mantra, ‘you can find inspiration in everything’. Finally, ‘From Herbie to Holiday’ is a tribute to some of Paul’s favourite jazz musicians, who he was lucky enough to see in the flesh as a younger man. The three playlists are also accompanied by a short film that was shot in various locations around Notting Hill, including Paul’s favourite record shop Rough Trade, and Paul’s office in Covent Garden.

Paul Smith’s playlist will be available from August 5th exclusively on Apple Music


Paul Smith ha appena presentato una serie di playlists creata per Apple Music.Lo stilista ha creato tre playslist con temi differenti. Ognuna di loro esplorerà un particolare aspetto della sua relazione con la musica.  “Dalle copertine degli album, all’amicizia che ho costruito negli anni con i musicisti, tutto fa parte del mio processo creativo”, dice Paul.