Gucci #24HourAce

Gucci #24HourAce


Gucci #24HourAce

E’ l’hashtag del momento parlando di sneakers. Alessandro Michele si rivela nuovamente anticipatore nel lanciare il nuovo progetto video #24HourAce, in occasione del quale numerosi artisti internazionali tra cui Lucia Meseguer, Frank Nitty, Julianna Szabo sono stati invitati a gestire l’account Snapchat del marchio per un’ora. Il primo post da Tokyo è stato messo online alle 5 di mattina del 28 luglio mentre l’ultimo è stato postato a New York diverse ore più tardi, attraversando il mondo che separa le due città.

Le opere, frutto di varie collaborazioni artistiche, sono disponibili sull’account Instagram di Gucci. I video #24HourAce fanno parte di un nuovo progetto Instagram costruito intorno alla famosa sneaker Ace, e sono stati pubblicati a partire da una settimana prima della odierna celebrazione su Snapchat.

di Gioia Gange


Gucci #24HourAce

It is the hashtag of the moment talking about sneakers . Alessandro Michele proves again to be a forerunner in launching the new video project # 24HourAce , at which many international artists have been invited to manage the Snapchat account of the brand for an hour . The first post from Tokyo was put online at 5 in the morning of July 28 , while the last one was posted to New York several hours later, across the world that separates the two cities .

The works,  that is the result of various artistic collaborations , are now available Instagram account of Gucci . The videos # 24HourAce are part of a new project Instagram built around the famous sneaker Ace , and were published from a week before the celebration today of Snapchat .




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Lucia Meseguer (@lumese) for #24HourAce Los collages minimalistas de Lucía Meseguer mezclan lo familiar y lo ajeno, creando figuras de pop art eclécticas a través de partes del cuerpo y objetos familiares. El trabajo de esta artista del collage española se caracteriza por su tono estrafalario y personal, con divertidas figuras anatómicamente incoherentes, como un conjunto de caras mirando desde detrás de una figura moderna o brazos y piernas sueltas que se fusionan con objetos estáticos. La colección #GucciAce cobra vida gracias a los collages de Meseguer. Manos y piernas atrevidas que insinúan qué personajes podrían llevar este calzado y qué podrían estar haciendo, como maquillándose con pintalabios o improvisando con una guitarra eléctrica. #24HourAce – @lrsphm Lucia Meseguer’s minimalist collage mixes the familiar and the strange, creating eclectic pop art constructed from body parts and household objects. Playful arrangements of anatomical impossibilities—a row of faces peering out from behind a fashionable figure’s back, stray arms and legs adding gesture to static objects—give the Spain-based collagist’s work a quirky, edgy personality. Meseguer animates the #GucciAce with collaged hands and sassy legs, suggesting the characters who might be wearing these shoes, and where they might confidently stride off to, applying lipstick or riffing on an electric guitar. #24HourAce – @lrsphm See more #24HourAce videos through link in bio.

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Sammy Slabbinck (@sammyslabbinck) for #24HourAce De collage van Sammy Slabbinck is een combinatie van vintage foto’s met moderne composities, die een nieuw soort nostalgie creëert. De retrovormgeving van Slabbinck past perfect bij de #GucciAce. Hij zet de schoen in scène alsof deze een ster is in een reismontage met animatie uit het midden van de vorige eeuw, met vintage voice-overs en Technicolor opnames van vliegtuigen en vliegvelden die worden afgewisseld met borduurwerk van bijen en bloemen. De zowel oude als nieuwe #GucciAce sneakers zijn tijdloos. #24HourAce – @lrsphm Belgium-based Sammy Slabbinck’s collage mixes vintage photographs with contemporary compositions, creating a new kind of nostalgia. Slabbinck’s retro stylings pair perfectly with the #GucciAce. He casts the shoe as the star in an animated travel montage drawn from the mid-century, with a vintage voiceover looping over technicolor shots of planes and airports, interspersed with bee and flower embroidery. Old as well as new, the #GucciAce sneakers are a timeless vehicle for movement. #24HourAce – @lrsphm See more #24HourAce videos through link in bio.

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Frank Nitty (@franknitty3000) for #24HourAce 居於香港的美術總監兼動畫製作人 的作品不但賞心悅目,同時叫人驚喜連連。其範疇涵蓋時裝、媒體和電子音樂,當中的美學和轉瞬即逝的流行文化經過分解拆細,然後再混合重組,散發非凡的奇幻魅力。作品以1980年代早期MTV的手法呈現巴洛克時期過度裝飾的風格,同時滲入社交媒體世代的新元素,透過微細的畫面帶來最震撼的效果。在這次的#24HourAce,狂熱起舞的運動鞋就如同Busby Berkeley和Rube Goldberg的夢幻組合一樣叫人神魂顛倒。請用心注視紅綠條紋,並讓雙腳盡情隨之狂歡躍動。#GucciAce – @newterritories Hong Kong-based art director and animator Frank Nitty creates spectacular eye candy, but this candy bites back. In his work across fashion, media and the electronic music scene, beauties and pop culture ephemera are sliced, diced, and remixed with their own grotesque glamour. It’s baroque excess by way of early 1980s MTV, but updated for the social media age, where tiny screens must convey maximum impact. For #24HourAce, sneakers dance in a fever dream equal parts Busby Berkeley and Rube Goldberg, hypnotizing us all. Keep your eyes on the red and green stripes, and don’t worry if your feet start moving. #GucciAce – @newterritories See more #24HourAce videos through link in bio.

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