Spotlight on Rasa Ciune

Spotlight on Rasa Ciune


Spotlight on Rasa Ciune.

Rasa is an outstanding beauty model from Vilnius, Lithuania. Interview by Juste Zilionyte.

Which was the first picture that someone took of you? Your impression about the first picture, first photo shoot.

It was a model test in Canada by photographer Tina Picard. My skin is all covered in freckles and I was surprised that there was no make up artist, who should cover it. I was very worried about the result – no make up, face full of freckles and the photographer was the one who never shows the picture she made on her camera.. But after some time when I saw the result I was happy – those pictures are one of my favorite now.

What have you learned from working as a model?

When you start working as a model from the age 28 – there is not much you can learn… I am 30 so life has already taught me a lot. Patience, responsibility, communication skills etc. Now it just remains to keep the knowledge in this area from everything I have learnt before in my life.

What is the thing you like the most and the least about modeling ?

There is not a single thing I woud not like about modeling. There is a group of people like make up artists, hair stylists who are trying their best to make you look exact like planned, so I only need to justify their experience. I am happy that there is an enduring value of my job – the pictures. It is very exciting to see myself in many different looks J

How do you think your family feels about your modeling job? (traveling, separated for months etc)

I am 4 years married and I had one contract which was 4 months long in Malaysia. My husband is happy about my job but only if we are separated not for a long time. I understand the transience of modeling so I choose family and mostly I work in Lithuania.

Where have you traveled with modeling? What has been your favorite city to visit?

Malaysia and Canada. These are two very different countries so of course I would love to come back there. I enjoyed it a lot. Traveling always makes me happy! Even when you are yet at the airport you already know that there is many new things coming for you.

The weirdest or funniest thing that happened on a set?

The strangest photoshoot I would distinguish has to be the one with snakes! Until the very last moment I actually didn’t know if I was afraid of them or not. And the shooting started, it was really unpleasant! You need to focus on your job, but you never know what to expect from those snakes! But I have my motto as a model – for a good photo I could climb the Mount Everest!

Modeling is also about waiting – waiting for you make up, hair done…. how do you spend your “waiting time” ?

I don’t know what is this “waiting”. Every photoshoot is a discovery of new and interesting people! My time is spent interacting with them.

What is your relationship with fashion? You have your own style, you like to play with clothes and colors?

My relationship with fashion is limited by my figure. I had bone cancer and an operation on my leg when I was a child. So now that leg is 8 cm shorter than the other, muscles are all cut. When creating my style. I try to balance between what is “in” at the moment, what looks stylish and also would help me to hide my little flaw at the same time. So fashion for me means I need to work!

Your relationship with social media, photos, “Instagram” ..? You cannot live without it or sometimes you prefer to be “offline”?

I am getting along with all the media! But for a while now, I try to publish content that is only related to my job. And don’t like to chat online with my friends anymore – I value things that are real. I prefer a live conversation or at least a call.

What are you excited about doing next? What is your next dream job?

You won’t believe me, but I don’t have any other dream job! I don’t know what tomorrow will bring… Maybe the only ones to fully understand me are the ones who also encountered this scary decease – cancer. I try to use all the opportunities I get from life, and where it will lead me – only time will show.

photos by Marla Singer, Tina Picard , Gertruda Varnaite