Diane Kruger in Chanel


Diane Kruger in Chanel


Diane Kruger in Chanel    Bandierine Italiano

Diane Kruger in Chanel agli ELLE UK Style Awards 2015 a Londra. Diane, volto di Chanel Skincare e vincitrice del “Best Film Actress Award”, ha indossato un vestito di pizzo rosa con corpetto ricamato con paillettes rosa pallido (look 67, Haute Couture Spring-Summer 2015 collection). Chanel Make Up.

ELLE UK Style Awards 2015, February, 24th – London

Diane Kruger, face of Chanel skincare and winner of the “Best Film Actress Award”, wore a pink lace dress with a bodice embroidered with pale pink sequins, look 67, from the Haute Couture Spring-Summer 2015 collection. Chanel Make Up.

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