Edun Fall Winter 2014


Edun Fall Winter 2014


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“La campagna Fall 2014 di Edun è stata grandemente influenzata dai principali concetti della nostra collezione RTW: giocosa, giovane, pura, strutturata e easy. Volevamo trasmettere un senso della forma con movimenti naturali e eleganti, Harleth era una delle nostre preferite questa stagione perché riusciva a racchiudere con la sua bellezza i concetti che ho esposto prima, sarà anche la protagonista del video della campagna.”

Danielle Sherman (Edun Creative Director)

Photographer / Art Direction: Edun Creative Director, Danielle Sherman
Stylist: Camilla Nickerson
Model: Harleth Kuusik  
Hair:  Marki Shkreli
Makeup: Morgane Martini

“The Fall 2014 Campaign was greatly influenced by the main concepts from our RTW collection – playful, youthful, purity, texture blocking and a sense of ease.  We wanted to show a sense of form with subtle and natural movements and gestures.  Harleth was one of our main girls this season who evokes this youthfulness and purity.  She will also be featured in our upcoming F14 Campaign Video.”

Danielle Sherman (Edun Creative Director)

Photographer / Art Direction: Edun Creative Director, Danielle Sherman
Stylist: Camilla Nickerson
Model: Harleth Kuusik  
Hair:  Marki Shkreli
Makeup: Morgane Martini

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