Prada Re-Nylon


Prada Re-Nylon

The third episode of the Prada Re-Nylon series, with National Geographic CreativeWorks, highlights the whale shark’s role in ocean conservation through the SEA BEYOND program.

For the third episode of the new short film series dedicated to the Prada Re-Nylon collection, created in partnership with storytelling partner National Geographic CreativeWorks, actress Sadie Sink takes us on a journey to La Paz, Mexico, and into the Pacific Ocean to discover the world’s largest omnivore, the whale shark. This journey brings us closer to these magnificent marine giants.

Whale sharks, gentle and harmless creatures, are the largest fish on the planet, and their role as “ocean gardeners” is attributed to their diet, which consists mainly of plankton and algae, consumed in enormous quantities. This feeding behavior helps maintain marine ecological balance, as they regulate the levels of these organisms, preventing uncontrolled growth that could disrupt sunlight exposure and oxygen availability in the waters, both crucial for the health of the marine ecosystem.

However, these vital allies of the ocean are increasingly threatened, as explained by Giovanni Chimienti, marine biologist and SEA BEYOND Goodwill Ambassador, and Alberto García Baciero, whale shark expert. Their population is in steady decline due to factors such as accidental capture from overfishing, collisions with boats while feeding near the surface, and damage caused by unsustainable tourism. Additionally, water pollution poses a significant threat, as it harms both the whale sharks themselves and the plankton, which is their primary food source.

SEA BEYOND, an educational program initiated by the Prada Group in 2019 in partnership with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, aims to raise awareness about ocean sustainability and conservation. Through education, the program seeks to provide the necessary knowledge to understand the delicate marine ecosystems and the importance of preserving them. 1% of the proceeds from the Prada Re-Nylon for SEA BEYOND collection is dedicated to supporting the program, promoting global ocean education through various initiatives aimed at young people.

The third episode of the series is now available at

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