Festival Hyères 2014


Festival Hyères 2014


Guardate il divertente video-teaser di Hyères 2014, CLICCATE QUI.

Anche quest’anno il festival internazionale di moda e fotografia, presenta quanto di meglio possa esprimere il mondo della moda, dell’arte, della fotografia. Anche quest’anno seguiremo da vicino il festival e vi terremo aggiornati. La sezione dedicata ai new designer è quella che ci incuriosisce di più e che ha sempre espresso ad ogni edizione i talenti più creativi nell’ambito della moda e del design.

La giuria di quest’anno è composta da talenti provenienti dai più svariati campi della creatività: da Spike Jonze (regista , recente premio Oscar per la sceneggiatura di “Her”), Carol Lim et Humberto Leon direttori creativi di KENZO, Maurizio Cattelan, solo per fare alcuni nomi.

Questi i nomi dei designer selezionati (accanto al nome e alla provenienza, viene indicato se disegnano couture per donna o per uomo):

Liselore Frowijn (Olanda, Donna), Pablo Henrard (Belgio, Uomo) Marit Ilison (Estonia, Donna), Anne Kluytenaar (Olanda, Uomo), Coralie Marabelle (Francia, Donna), Kenta Matsushige (Giappone, Donna), Agnese Narnicka (Lettonia, Uomo), Louis-Gabriel Nouchi (Francia, Donna), Roshi Porkar (Autria, Donna), Yulia Yefimtchuk (Ucraina, Donna)

Questo è il ricchissimo programma di appuntamenti dell’edizione di quest’anno, indicati orari, luoghi, eventi a entrata libera o con biglietto o eventuale necessità di prenotare prima.

from 10 am to 8 pm
Accreditations desk – villa Noailles. For professionnals and press only

Montée Noailles closed from 5 pm to 8 pm

Please use parking lots in City Center and take the Festival’s free shuttle buses, timetable available on the website.

6 pm – Concert with the support of Red Bull Studio according to the advice of Stage of the Art – villa Noailles

6.30 pm – Grand opening of the Festival and exhibitions, Opening speech and cocktail – parvis, villa Noailles

9 pm  10 shortlisted designers’ fashion show for the Grand Prix du Jury – Première Vision

10 pm – Satu Maaranen fashion show, winner of the 2013 Grand prix du jury – Première Vision

10.30 pm – Fashion show of the shortlisted designers for Prix Chloé – hangar de la Mouture, salin des Pesquiers,
La Capte

Access reserved for person with ticket only – reservation needed, available from April 14th

11pm – Opening of the exhibition SEXY IS SEXY Marc Turlan – Le Marais, restaurant – plage



10 am to 6 pm – Exhibitions open to the public
10 am to 6 pm – The formers : meet-up with a selection of designers from the previous fashion contests( new collections ) : Cunnington & Sanderson (2008), Wisharawish Akarasantisook (2008), Mareunrol’s (2009),  arald Lunde Helgesen (2009), Steven Tai (2012), Satu Maaranen (2013), Damien Ravn (2013) -jardin, villa Noailles

10 am to 4 pm – Encounters and discussions with the 10 shortlisted fashion designers – jardin, villa Noailles

10 am and 2 pm – Creative workshop .Mask. by Erik Halley – parvis, villa Noailles

15 persons per workshop, reservation by email to Hélène Fontaine : h.fontaine@villanoailles-hyeres.com

10.30 am11 am2 pm and 5.30 pm The 14th International Textile and Fashion Conferences – jardin, villa Noailles
For professionnals and press only

11.30 am – Guided tour of works place “villa Gandarillas”
by Patrick Bouchain

Reservation needed at : g.vacquier@villanoailles-hyeres.com

12 am to 6 pm – Portfolio reviews with the shortlisted photographers – salles voûtées, villa Noailles

3 pm – Book signing by the artists ( KENZO, Steve Hiett, Oliver Sieber, Baptiste Rossi ) – terasse de la piscine, villa Noailles

7 pm – Inauguration of Petros Efstathiadis’ exhibition – Tour des Templiers, place Massillon ( city center )

8.30 pm – Live broadcast of fashion shows, – place Massillon, Hy.res, Th..tre Libert., Toulon, Palais de Tokyo, Paris and Bozar, Bruxelles

8.30 pm – 10 shortlisted designers’ fashion show for Grand Prix du Jury – Première Vision

9.30 pm – Satu Maaranen fashion show, winner of the 2013 Grand prix du jury – Première Vision

10 pm – Fashion show of the shortlisted designers for Prix Chloé – hangar de la Mouture – salin des Pesquiers, La Capte

Access reserved for person with ticket only – reservation needed, available from April 14th



10 am to 4 pm – Exhibitions open to the public
Portfolio reviews with the shortlisted photographers – salles vôutées, villa Noailles

10 am to 4 pm – Encounters and discussions with the 10 shortlisted fashion designers – jardin, villa Noailles

10.30 am to 12 pm – For professionals and press only
12 pm to 4pm – For public
The formers : meet-up with a selection of designers from the previous fashion contests ( New collections ) : Cunnington & Sanderson (2008), Wisharawish Akarasantisook (2008), Mareunrol’s (2009), Harald Lunde Helgesen (2009), Steven Tai (2012), Satu Maaranen (2013), Damien Ravn (2013) – jardin, villa Noailles

10 am and 2 pm – Creative workshop .Mask. by Erik Halley – parvis, villa Noailles

15 persons per workshop, reservation by email to Hélène Fontaine : h.fontaine@villanoailles-hyeres.com

14 pm – The 14th International Textile and Fashion Conferences – jardin, villa Noailles
For professionnals and press only

4.30 pm – 10 shortlisted designers’ fashion show for Grand Prix Première Vision

5.30 pm – Satu Maaranen fashion show, winner of the 2013 Grand prix du jury – Première Vision
Warning : There is no fashion show for the Prix Chloé

6 pm Awards ceremony of the 29th Hy.res Festival – hangar de la Mouture, salin des Pesquiers, La Capte
Access reserved for person with ticket only – reservation needed, available from April 14th


11 am to 2 pm
 – Exhibitions opened to the publicDuring the festival, free shuttle buses are available from the villa Noailles and the hotels to the events. Timetable available on the website

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