Miuccia Prada is the formal director of Fondazione Prada

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Miuccia Prada is the formal director of Fondazione Prada

Miuccia Prada formalizes her role as Fondazione Prada ’s director and establishes a steering committee

Fondazione Prada , a cultural institution created in 1993 by Miuccia Prada and Patrizio Bertelli, operates in the belief that a rt a nd study are useful and necessary to understand the changes unfolding in the world through new and engaging perspectives . Miuccia Prada has formalized her role as Fondazione Prada ’ s Director and confirmed her personal commitment to present and future projects, as she has done in the last three decades .

As Miuccia Prada stated , “ Right from the start , through the Fondazion e ’ s activities I aspired to investigat e human culture in all its variety and complexity. Over these thirty years , I have wondered in d iffe rent wa ys how artistic and intellectual research can impact people ’ s lives. Searching for increasingly topical answers to this question is the fundamental objective I have set myself with the foundation . ”

A Steering Committee, which will work in close con tact with the President and Director Miu ccia Prada, the General Manager Cristian Valse cchi, the Head of Pr ograms Chiara Costa, and the Fondazione ’ s internal team , will be integra ted into the institution ’ s organization to explore in depth the most important topics of our times , and t o investigate up – and – coming questions regarding our fu ture. The Steering Committee is comprised of an academic, a scientist, an artist , a film maker , and a scholar : Giuliana Bruno, Emmet Blakeney Gleason Professor of Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University; Giancarlo Comi, Honorary Professor of Neurology at the Universit à Vita – Salute San Raffaele in Milan; Theaster Gates, artist, activist , and Professor at the University of Chi cago in the Department of Visual Arts ; Alejandro González Iñárritu, film director, screenwriter , and film producer; Salvatore Settis, archaeologist, art historian , and Professor Emeritus at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.

The Steering Committee’s main functions are to ide ntify the mo st stimulating research areas to develop multidisciplinary projects that can impact the contemporary cultural debate and indicate possible lines for experimentation and education . Each committee memb er will contribute to an intense theoretical discussion b ased on their individual expertise and background : from education and visual studies (Giu liana Bruno) to neuroscience (Giancarlo Comi), and from social practices (Theaster Gates) to cinema and visual languages (Alejandro González Iñárritu) and dialogues be tween cultures (Salvatore Settis).

It is through on going exchanges between people from different fields of knowledge and art that Fondazione Prada aims to experiment with new cultural practices and assert itself as a continually evolving platform for sharing knowledge and advancing creative research. Fondazione Prada is steadily evolving into a laboratory of ideas, where the coexistence of disciplines and languages generates unpredictable resonances and cultural intersections and contributes to expanding t he range of knowledge .

A vast network of collaboration with artists, curators, scientists, scholars, filmmakers, architects, musicians, and intellectuals , and a n extensive program — organized in the three venues in Milan and Venice, which opene d between 20 11 and 2016 , as well as in Shanghai, Tokyo, and New York since 201 8 — allow to establish a dialogue with an international and plural audience. The focus is on experime nting with innovative learning methods and moments of d ebate free from interpr etive hierar chies. Fondazione Prada wants to encourage more active and inclusive dynamics of participation that embrace a multiplicity of identities, sensi bil ities , and par adigm s raised by communities and individuals. Particular attention is paid to the yo ung and thei r development , which translates into a series of projects aimed at children and students , a s well as educational and exhibition activities developed with school s, universities, and research centers around the world in the humanities , sciences , and visual a rts.


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