Chopard Timepiece Creations

Jewellery, Top Stories

Chopard Timepiece Creations

The universe of watchmaking has a discreet and enveloping charm made of skill and precision, elegance and dedication, tradition and innovation.

The universe of watchmaking has a discreet and enveloping charm made of skill and precision, elegance and dedication, tradition and innovation. A fascination that conquers through what it hides, as well as through what it shows: a story to listen to. Listen to time.

At Watches & Wonders in Geneva, Chopard timepiece creations are currently on show: from the new proposals for the Alpine Eagle sports model in steel, in the “complicated” version with a flying tourbillon or in the bold version with a rubber strap; the sensational L.U.C Sound of Eternity, a trilogy of highly refined watches that strike the hours on sapphire stamps.

The women’s watch proposals mark a marked step towards complication: no longer just creations that are beautiful to wear and match the look, but real manufacturing masterpieces. Here then is the Chopard best seller, the Happy Sport is equipped with a mechanical movement with a caliber created internally by the master watchmakers and a chronograph; or the Imperial watch, which has always been a high-end collection, adds a flying tourbillon.

There are many other novelties to discover, from the limited editions of the Happy Sport Métiers d’Art, to the jewel watches of L’Heure du Diamant and the Red Carpet Collection.

Chopard Timepiece Creations

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