Francesco Russo SS20: timeless shapes

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Francesco Russo SS20: timeless shapes

He made his atelier at n.8 of Rue de Valois the centre of his idea of extreme luxury, that for him is the total attention to the client’s desires.

Francesco Russo traces his passion for ultra-feminine shoes back to childhood. “I was looking at my mother and my sisters getting dressed – he recalls – As soon as they wore heels, they immediately turned into magnificent creatures”

He chose an unorthodox angle and focused on just a few timeless shapes. By opting for creative rhythms more in synch with true invention, Russo now skips the idea of the collection, as well as the idea of the succession of seasons, to create objects that celebrate beauty. He made his atelier at n.8 of Rue de Valois the centre of his idea of extreme luxury, that for him is the total attention to the client’s desires.

This extraordinary attention to the feminine personal universe is perfectly embodied in the two main services provided in the atelier: Made To Order (the unique opportunity to order custom version – including materials and colours- of each shoe Francesco designes) and the Patina (an hand dyeing process for the shoe, that from unfinished crust leather allow the customer to choose with unlimited colours).

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