Xuan FW19-20 Couture

Fashion, Main Story

Xuan FW19-20 Couture


UAN is the fashion label of Dutch-Vietnamese designer Xuan-Thu Nguyen. Nguyen is a graduate from AMFI. In 2004, she settled the company in Paris where she resides. Nguyen is best known for the evocative stories that her clothes tell. Their aesthetic and construction work together to convey the intimacy, surprise and fragility that underlie her personal experiences.

” Like a kaleidoscope, The collection is about everything and nothing. Wanting to say and show it all when at the same time it does not make any sense to anybody but yourself. So, I am calling this collection my inner hidden expression of nothing and everything. A mix of colours and shades, stripes and patterns, ruffles and feathers. Does it go together? Who knows. Do I care?I called this story “this is me”. Will everyone understand it? Probably not. Maybe this collection is about letting go and accepting. Using red satin with double woven cotton and checked shiny fabrics. Soft ruffles of silky organza against geometric shaped forms. Everything and nothing.”

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