Delfina Delettrez ZIP Code


Delfina Delettrez ZIP Code


“The collection started from a very personal moment in my life and is an homage to the delicate playfulness of adolescents and the art of two. Each piece has a double function, beyond the object. I wanted to step away from the concept of jewellery as just embellishment and merge playfulness with practicality and freeform movement.  The pearl, traditionally used as decorartion is transformed into a practical object, a zip that while fastening the earring also acts as the embellishment – the functionality alters and dictates the design.  These pieces celebrate the arrival of my twin boys.”

For Autumn-Winter 2018 Delfina Delettrez introduces a functionalist approach to her design process where form follows function with a ludic twist. Conceiving the zip closure. a freshwater pearl or gold zip slides along the streamlined ridge of the single bubble earring and dictates the earrings structure. A pop of diamond pavé or by a row of miniature atom like pearls puncture the single gold band suspended at the end of the prong.

This liner form is echoed throughout the collection especially in the double bubble earcuff. Constructed from a gentle gold band that gently wraps and cascades around either side of the helix and ends in two interlocking rings that hover over the front of ear. Each band features either a row of freshwater pearls or is sliced with a single diamond inlay.

The silhouette is further developed in a series of rings that flows around the finger opening up to expose a line of diamond pavé that frame the knuckle beneath or in an open rings that softly twists around the finger and are adhered with a single diamond or pearl.