Domus Academy and NABA at Fashion Graduate Italia show

Domus Academy and NABA at Fashion Graduate Italia show


Domus Academy and NABA at Fashion Graduate Italia show

Domus Academy participated at Fashion Graduate Italia show located at Base Milano held during 5-7 November. There was the catwalk of the collection of six students-recent graduates: Gyanendu Baruah “Nocturnal Love”, Adireg Comenoi “Imperfection Rose”, Giorgia Rosano “New Hobo”, Tritti Tarkulwaranont “Hand Me Down”, Kanglei Wang “Austistic“ and Yibei Liang “Men-tal-ent”.

During the entire event, it was placed an Exhibition booth, showcasing the collection of Zeynep Guntas, Domus Academy Alumna, and her eponymous brand GUNTAS. On November 6th  Zeynep also appeared  along with other remarkable alumnus –  in a panel titled “I create my own Brand_stories of New Talented Designers” moderated by Andrea Batilla.

Caroline Boeta, Daniella Villafuerte, Azalia Musa, Paula Sacaleanu, Jong Ryul Park, Mariya Yotova and Verena Kohl: students from the Master in Fashion Design, Master in Fashion Styling and Visual Merchandising and Master in Fashion Management have been actively collaborating with the realization of the styling, editing and communication activities covering the booth and entire event.

NABA – New Academy of Fine Arts also has been one of the protagonists of Fashion Graduate Italia. NABA has been present with a double appointment: a static presentation, visible throughout the duration of the event, including the work of Bianca Teglia, former student of the Triennio, Jiajun Wang and Emilio Bonadio, both Biennial students in Fashion and Textile Design and a parade.

The event celebrated the work of the 200 students of the Triennio in Fashion Design (60 of which are part of the Fashion Styling & Communication course) and 45 Biennial students in Fashion and Textile Design.

The collections have been specially expanded and integrated with new outfits made in the campus tailors; students follow the process from A to Z and have real tools available to be able to put their skills into practice.

During the year, under the supervision of Colomba Leddi, Course Leader of the Triennio in Fashion Design and Aldo Lanzini, Course Leader of the Biennio, students were called to work following the general theme: “Migration”, proposed by Nicoletta Morozzi as annual project reflection. Migration understood as a transfer of ideas, but also as a cultural exodus represented by many students who travel to Milan from more than 70 countries around the world to attend NABA and specialize in the field.