The Top 7: Pre Fall favorite fur list

The Top 7: Pre Fall favorite fur list


The Top 7: Pre Fall favorite fur list

Nr.1 Slippers Cult

Wear your slippers with everything! Start from jeans or dresses, to track pants!

Nr.2 Urban Luxe

Make your urban look warmer!

Nr.3 FurSure

A perfect way to turn your look from Fall to Winter or just layer up on neutral knitwear underneath.

Nr.4 Fluffy Footbeds

The point when leather and pool became close friends! It perfectly matches with relaxed tailoring, denim or dresses.

Nr.5 Parka Turn

Feel like a star with a colorful collar! For example, Rihanna and Kate Moss combine it with skinny jeans and ankle boots.

Nr. 6 Essential Bag

And your days become better!

Nr.7 Boot Boom

If you don’t have time for hiking, at least you can have a stylish shoes.