Jennifer Lopez in Versace

Jennifer Lopez in Versace


Jennifer Lopez in Versace    Italiano-Inglese-New

In occasione dei Billboard Latin Music Awards 2015, Jennifer Lopez ha scelto di indossare Versace durante il suo tributo a Selena.

Ha iniziato la sua performance con un top tempestato di cristalli Swarovski con una gonna in paillettes, con pantaloni a vita alta con dettagli in cristalli Swarovski. Ha finito la sua esibizione con una gonna a balze con lungo strascico, a completare il look scarpe Atelier Versace.

On April 30th in occasion of the 2015 Billboard Latin Music Awards, Jennifer Lopez chose to perform a tribute to Selena wearing Versace.

The singer looked amazing in a complete Atelier Versace look: she started the performance in a fully Swarovski crystal encrusted blush bra top with matching tear-a-way sequined skirt, with matching high-waisted pants with Swarovski crystal detailing beneath. She ended the performance wearing a fully ruffled blush skirt with dramatic train and added matching ruffled sleeves. She completed her look with blush Atelier Versace shoes.