Pradasphere Opening Event


Pradasphere Opening Event


Pradasphere Opening Event

Il 18 novembre 2014 a Hong Kong, Prada ha inaugurato Pradasphere: una mostra che segue le multiformi ossessioni di Prada, attraverso moda, arte, architettura, cinema e altro ancora.

Il tetto del Pier 4 a Central è stato invaso da una struttura appositamente creata per l’occasione.

Stefano Cantino (Prada Group Director of Marketing, Communication and Commercial Development), Armando Tolomelli (CEO Prada Asia Pacific) hanno accolto oltre mille ospiti per un cocktail party che si è tenuto nello spazio espositivo della mostra.

La serata è proseguita con un after-party e un’esclusiva performance di Lorde, vincitrice di due Grammy Awards 2014, e un dj-set curato da DJ Misty Rabbit.

Food a cura di Grand Hyatt Hong Kong e Little Bao.

Tra gli ospiti intervenuti, segnaliamo Gong Li (in Prada), Kong Hyo-jin (in Prada), Michele Reis (in Prada), Jennifer Tse (in Prada), Hilary Tsui e Wyman Wong (entrambi in Prada), Cha Seoung Won  (in Prada), Kathy Chow (in Miu Miu), Amanda S (in Miu Miu), Robert e Sally Lo, Kwok Leung Kam, Helen Ma Simonian e Yohan Simonian, Rigel Davies e Oscar Wang, Alison Chan e Antonia Li, Harris Chan, Charlotte Chen, Yvette Yung, Jolie Chan e Marc Radriguez, Jennifer Liu, Lumen Kinoshita, Ricky Kwok, Fei Ping Chang, Tina Leung, Ming Ho Tang, Sue Lyn Hwa, Adrian Cheng, Valerie e Vivien Liang, Elaine Lee, Wing Shya, Jolie e Alan Chan, Chester Lim, Leonard e Candice Chao, Edwin Ing, Denise Ho e  Michael Rock.

Pradasphere sarà aperta al pubblico dal 19 novembre al 5 dicembre 2014.

Pradasphere Opening Event

On November 18, 2014 in Hong Kong Prada unveiled Pradasphere: a special exhibition that traces the multivalent obsessions of one of the world’s most iconic brands, housed in a custom-built structure covering the entire roof of Pier 4, Central.

Stefano Cantino (Prada Group Director of Marketing, Communications and Commercial Development), and Armando Tolomelli (CEO Prada Asia Pacific) welcomed more than 1000 guests for a cocktail party held in the exhibition space.

An exclusive after-party with a special performance by Lorde, winner of two Grammy Awards in 2014, and a dj-set by DJ Misty Rabbit created the atmosphere.

Food by Grand Hyatt Hong Kong and Little Bao.

Among the guests, Gong Li (in Prada), Kong Hyo-jin (in Prada), Michele Reis (in Prada), Jennifer Tse (in Prada), Hilary Tsui and Wyman Wong (both in Prada), Cha Seoung Won (in Prada), Kathy Chow (in Miu Miu), Amanda S (in Miu Miu), Robert and Sally Lo, Kwok Leung Kam, Helen Ma Simonian and Yohan Simonian, Rigel Davies and Oscar Wang, Alison Chan and Antonia Li, Harris Chan, Charlotte Chen, Yvette Yung, Jolie Chan and Marc Radriguez, Jennifer Liu, Lumen Kinoshita, Ricky Kwok, Fei Ping Chang, Tina Leung, Ming Ho Tang, Sue Lyn Hwa, Adrian Cheng, Valerie and Vivien Liang, Elaine Lee, Wing Shya, Jolie and Alan Chan, Chester Lim, Leonard and Candice Chao, Edwin Ing, Denise Ho and Michael Rock.

Pradasphere will be open to the public from November 19th  to December 5th, 2014.

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