What's on your head - ZOE Magazine

What’s on your head


What’s on your head


What’s on your head     di Rugilé Jasiulionyté

Che cosa ti sei messa in testa? Ci sembra di sentirla la solita cantilena dei boyfriend…ma in questo caso vi sbagliate! Eccovi 5 outfit e 5 diversi accessori per i vostri capelli e le vostre acconciature.

Cliccate sulle immagini degli articoli per ottenere maggiori informazioni e eventualmente fare il vostro online shopping.

 What’s on your head darling? We almost hear your boyfriend whining…but it’s not for what you’re thinking of! Here you are with 5 hair-accessories for your hair and your do.

Click on the item’s images to get more info and eventually shop them online.


hair accesory 1

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hair accesory 2


vans argento Earth sucks t-shirt maison-michel-black-liberty-headband-product-1-19946491-2-804649649-normal_large_flex



hair accesory 3

givenchy-black-nadia-ankle-strap-sandals-product-1-21282795-0-747421269-normal_large_flex givenchy-black-contrasted-hem-blazer-product-1-21424062-1-119910706-normal_large_flex velina asos


hair accesory 4


Toga mary-katrantzou-white-clocktoria-printed-t-shirt-product-1-22171307-4-023482016-normal_large_flex Head band velvet




hair accesory 5


valentino-garavani-black-classic-monk-shoes-product-1-22142534-2-068752904-normal_large_flex marc jacobs black crop shirt headband tiger asos

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