Best of Met Gala 2014


Best of Met Gala 2014


Come ogni hanno il Met Gala è  la summa dei red carpet dove si riuniscono gli outfit migliori dall’haute couture al pret a porter internazionale. Organizzata dall’editor in chief di Vogue Ann Wintour la serata inaugura l’annuale mostra dedicata dal celebre museo newyorkese alla moda che quest’anno celebra Charles James, prestigioso couturiere americano degli anni ’50. Dress code di stagione le frange, il plisset, il soft color e il black & white.

As years goe by the Met Gala keeps getting bigger and bigger and his red carpet is one of the most photographed of them all, the best oufit from pret a porte to haute couture are out there for your eyes to see, every star want to shine on that red stairs. This year event is to honour  Charles James the great american couturier. Ann Wintour has organized the event this year, dress code: fringes, pleated skirts, soft colors and the classic black and white.

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