An history of passion and italian charm: Chantecler

Interview, Jewellery, Top Stories

An history of passion and italian charm: Chantecler

In the dead times as kids our father wanted us to study all the pieces in the safes with the 10 magnification lens. Why: "this is a profession that you learn with your eyes and listening to customers."

When stories are built on individual passion and tell of a unique and unforgettable historical period for the Italian “savoir faire” they are said to become legendary. There is so much in the symbol of the Chantecler maison of legendary since today the family history that began in 1943 continues with the international success that distinguishes it. Pietro Capuano had a great intuition in referring to the legend of the Archangel Michael, when he decided to make a bronze bell and give it to the president of the United States as a viaticum for peace. And that bell which later became a small bell remained a symbol of happiness and love even when in 1947, Pietro Capuano together with his friend Salvatore Aprea opened the Chantecler jewelry store in Capri.
Today we met the sisters Aprea, Costanza and Maria Elena, creative director of the maison, to let us tell about their new projects inspired by the Capri spirit.

A story that tells the inspiration and passion of Italian high jewelry. How is this handed down in a world that communicates globally?
The world of high jewelery communicates best through word of mouth. (-Satisfied customers turn into brand promoters-) And through small exclusive events. Often organized by customers themselves. It is a world characterized by complicit relationships. Of passion, culture, and great confidence. Here, rather than appearing, you want to enjoy the pleasure of beauty and well done in a more intimate way. And breathe tradition, craftsmanship and creativity, passion with that irony and lightness typical of our creations.


Capri as a treasure chest of inspiration. How many creative ideas could it be summarized?
Capri offers endless ideas. Just train your gaze.

A unique savoir faire. Where do the métier d’art that give uniqueness to your jewels are formed?
The path to becoming a jeweler is anything but linear and simple. My brothers and I started with sales and customer relationships. In the dead times as kids our father wanted us to study all the pieces in the safes with the 10 magnification lens.

Why: “this is a profession that you learn with your eyes and listening to customers.”

From our Capri boutique we could understand the evolution of fashions and meet exceptional people. It was a 360-degree world of beauty that enriched us a lot. At the same time we moved on to the study of stones both in Italy and in the United States. And only after meeting our customers, studying the world of stones and seeing how jewels were born did we have the first contacts with the goldsmiths’ workshops, designers and model makers. Under the guidance of our father and the master jewelers we started making our first creations. The unique savoir faire is the synthesis of many different skills with a magical ingredient, the passion for beautiful Capri in Capri style.

Iconicity and creativity … How can these two souls coexist in an artistic process?
They go hand in hand.

New markets and new generations of beauty lovers. What are your challenges for the future?
Grow a little outside of Italy while remaining faithful to our spirit and our Capri style.

The Campanella, from a symbol of peace to an icon. What does it represent for you today?
The bell represents the origin of everything. The collection that best expresses all Chantecler values: pure craftsmanship, creativity, irony, freedom, timeless style, joy. History, legend. The most fascinating and captivating gateway to the Chantecler world!

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