Axe Majeur, near Paris, transforms a promenade into fantastical reveries. A sculpture conceived like a beautiful utopia, by a humanist artist whose compassionate, peaceful works are scattered around around the world.
An architecture of reconciliation, where water, light, wind, sand, concrete, stone, and steel create a felicitous relationship between nature, space, and time.
With the 2022 Cruise collection, Louis Vuitton steps into this singular geometry, from the “Ile Astronomique” to “Le Douze Colonnes” and “Le Jardin des Droits de l’Homme,” culminating in “La Passerelle,” opening as many imaginary portals to traverse the atmosphere and — why not? — touch infinity.
An optimistic company akin to luminous “marching bands” of joyful color. A collection of proud, positive looks that advance straight ahead, serenely.
They are the picture of harmony in an environment that is so close and yet so far away, borderless and open to adventure. One needs nothing more than the most beautiful of passports: creation. As ever, it is unlimited and free.
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