Dior Skincare Scientific Summit


Dior Skincare Scientific Summit

The conference opened with the speeches of various international and French researchers, who shared their scientific point of view, opening up new horizons not only for health, but also for the beauty of the skin.

World-renowned researchers and specialists from Dior Skincare have gathered at the annual “Dior Skincare Scientific Summit Paris” to discuss the most revolutionary scientific advances and the decisive innovations of the science of science in the field of cosmetics for the skin.
The spirit of the debate, which saw aesthetics and science confront each other on the steps reached so far and on the direction to take in the future, is well represented by the very latest new-entry of the pioneering dior skincare line: the new CAPTURE TOTALE C.E.L.L. ENERGY IN CREAM AND SERUM.

The conference opened with the speeches of various international and French researchers, who shared their scientific point of view, opening up new horizons not only for health, but also for the beauty of the skin.

The dott. Knut Woltjen, head of research at the cira (center for ips cell research and application) in Kyoto, presented the revolutionary discoveries of Professor Yamanaka, Nobel Prize winner for medicine and physiology, in the field of stem cells. Woltjen described in detail the implications of these findings in medical therapy and mentioned all the fields of application of stem cell studies.

After him, Dr. Hakim Mireau, head of research at INRA (the French national institute for agronomic research) in Paris and a specialist in the regulation of mitochondrial plant functions, highlighted the particular metabolism of plants and flowers. A scientific project that can act as a model and open up extraordinary opportunities for cosmetics.

Professor Pierre-Marie lledo, neurobiologist and director of the “Perception and Memory” laboratory of the Pasteur Institute and of the “Genes, Synapses and Cognition” Laboratory of the CNRS, as well as visiting professor at Harvard University, presented his research on neuroplasticity and the direct link between emotional logic and physical appearance.

The morning continued with the presentation of the main scientific innovations present in the brand new C.E.L.L. ENERGY IN CREAM AND SERUM. The conference was an opportunity to reaffirm the fundamental values ​​of dior skincare with an even greater resonance, expressing the concept of conscious beauty with a strong and authoritative voice. The new era of skin care has already begun and, thanks to pioneering developments in LVMH science, constantly aims to formulate natural and responsible solutions.

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