Where the coffee culture is different: 5 top modern cafés in Vilnius


Where the coffee culture is different: 5 top modern cafés in Vilnius


  Have you ever thought why coffee shops are always full of people? Since you enter inside, you experience it so fully: calm music background, cozy colors, unique paintings, quotes on the walls and people sitting for hours with their laptops, reading books or just talking with friends.
Seems nowadays those coffee shops became not only a place to drink a coffee but its getting more roles in people lives. Owners invest more and more to the interior to give the best experience for customers. Not surprising to hear coffee shops called as a “second home” where especially young people spend a lot of time.
People choose its for the connections, business meeting or just cozy conversations. Here they feel vibes similar to home where conversations with good friends or even first dates are memorable and remind home. Also, scientifically proven that certain levels of ambient noise actually increase creative flow in the brain.

This time, let’s move to a small country in Northern Europe – Lithuania. Where coffee culture is pretty different compared with Italy, known as a coffee home.
In Vilnius – capital of Lithuania, coffee shops also have various significance. Places not only grab a drink in takeaway cup and leave but also stop for a moment and enjoy an environment inside.
Here are 5 top stylish and cozy coffee shops in Vilnius where you may stay longer than only to order a drink:

Backstage Cafe.
  Founded in a former photo studio by extremely Coffee-loving photographer, and surrounded by artistic spirit, such an other lofts and studios. Fashionable and solid loft will greet you with enticing smell of roasted coffee beans and Greyhound dog – Bakara. 
T. Ševčenkos st. 16


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Adolis the tree 🌳 taking care of tropical mood there 🏝❤️ #backstagecafevilnius

A post shared by Backstage Cafe (@cafebackstage) on May 12, 2017 at 7:23am PDT

Taste Map.  
  An exclusive family’s coffee roasting factory and a coffee restaurant. Here personnel contributes to the cultivation of this beverage and responsibly sharing tips for preparing unforgettable coffee at home or office. Discover your favorite flavors map. 
M.K.Čiurlionio st. 8;  Gynėjų st. 14.

StrangeLove Coffee Co.
Stylish and modern place is located in the city center, between the Cathedral square and central park “Bernardinu sodas”. Here you can enjoy not only perfectly prepared coffee but also a marvelous view through windows or sitting outside in terrace. 
– B. Radvilaitės st. 6B


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coffee art love🙏🏼🖤 #strangelovevilnius #specialtycoffee

A post shared by StrangeLove (@strangelove_vilnius) on Jun 19, 2018 at 11:51pm PDT

Elska coffee.  
   An Icelandic mood cafe located near the Pamenkalnis gallery. It’s not a place only for official meetings and conversations but you can easily take a loptop, do some works, read a book or just watch people through huge windows.  
Pamėnkalnio st. 1


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#saturday #interior #elskacoffee #coffeelover #coffeeshop #qualitytime #qualitycoffee #coffee

A post shared by Elska coffee (@elskacoffeelt) on Dec 16, 2017 at 4:05am PST

Italala Caffè.  
   Playful name, exclusive coffee and one of the most touristic location in Vilnius Old Town. Modern, new place and sweet deserts, such a crispy cannoli filled with ricotta, raspberry cake or any kind of croissant, will surprise even the picky Italians.  
Vokiečių st. 1