Sam Mendes Directs Emma Stone in Louis Vuitton Short movie

Sam Mendes Directs Emma Stone in Louis Vuitton Short movie


Louis Vuitton is announcing its first video campaign linked to perfume, presenting two characters both winners of an Oscar award: Emma Stone and the director Sam Mendes.

The short film, set to debut Sept. 13, stars Emma Stone and was directed by Sam Mendes (Informer), who was assisted by DP Hoyte Van Hoytema (Interstellar). It focuses on a woman’s journey in life and centers on the spirit of traveling, marking the release of its new fragrance Attrape-Rêves, the ninth women’s scent in Louis Vuitton’s Les Parfums line.

This richly featured short film expresses the different moments and emotions in a woman’s life, evokes the passion and spirit of the journey and values ​​Louis Vuitton. The changing scenarios also evoke the opposite personalities that characterize extraordinary perfumes that are part of the Les Parfums Louis Vuitton collection.

We reaffirm our commitment to this project by uncovering the first Louis Vuitton video advertising campaign, linked to perfume, with incredibly talented Emma Stone, based on the success of our perfume collection,” said Michael Burke, president and CEO of Louis Vuitton.

The paper campaign, created by Craig McDean and created by Marie-Amélie Sauvé, will be published in international magazines, which will start in October.