Sometimes in a Glacier…


Sometimes in a Glacier…

Sometimes on a glacier it can happen to breathe the harsh sea air. And that's when the mirage is revealed and the mountain becomes salt. After all, who has ever seen a glacier over the horizon in the Pampas?

Sometimes on a glacier it can happen to breathe the harsh sea air. And that’s when the mirage is revealed and the mountain becomes salt. After all, who has ever seen a glacier over the horizon in the Pampas? Chanel launches its collection entirely dedicated to the high altitude Coco Neige and does so in the summer, giving pearly flashes to the  ski suit marked by the classic embroidery quilted and proposing the must have waist bag nylon, tweed & silver-tone metal. Acheval Pampa the new label launched during the last fashion week in Paris theorizes a different shape of Gaucho style and the result is not only innovative, centered and interesting but above all desirable.

Fashion editor: Gioia Gange
Photo: Tosi Vogli
Model: Nadia Brancato
Video: Bora Sipal
Production: Albamedia
Thank to: Sosalt

Qualche volta su un ghiacciaio può capitare di respirare l’aria aspra del mare. Ed è allora che il miraggio si svela e la montagna diventa di sale. Dopotutto chi ha mai visto un ghiacciaio oltre la linea dell’orizzonte nelle Pampas? Chanel presenta la sua collezione interamente dedicata all’alta quota Coco Neige e lo fa in piena estate, regalando bagliori perlacei alla tuta da sci segnata dal classico ricamo matelassé e proponendo il must have marsupio in nylon, tweed e metallo effetto argentato. Acheval Pampa, la nuova label lanciata durante la scorsa fashion week a Parigi, teorizza una differente estetica di stile Gaucho e il risultato è non solo innovativo, centrato e interessante ma soprattutto desiderabile.

Blouson and trousers,waist bag Nylon, Tweed & Silver-Tone Metal and Ankle Boots Shearling & Calfskin, Chanel.

Blouson and trousers, Ankle Boots Shearling & Calfskin, Chanel. Make up: Vitalumière Aqua 20 Beige, Blush Joues Contraste 99 Rose Pétale, Eyes Shadow Les Beiges Light, Liner Le Crayon Yeux 01 Noir, Mascara Inimitable Intense 10 Noir, Rouge Coco Gloss 748 Nectar, Chanel.

Ankle Boots Shearling & Calfskin, Chanel.

Blouson and trousers,waist bag Nylon, Tweed & Silver-Tone MetalChanel.

Waist bag Nylon, Tweed & Silver-Tone Metal and boots, Chanel.

Sun of Argentina Rollneck, Gauchita fold over pants in sequins, Acheval Pampa

Sun of Argentina Rollneck, Gauchita fold over pants in sequins, Acheval Pampa

Sun of Argentina Rollneck, Gauchita fold over pants in sequins, Acheval Pampa

Gloria Long Sleeve Shirt and Gauchita pants, Acheval Pampa

Gloria Long Sleeve Shirt and Gauchita pants, Acheval Pampa

Gloria Long Sleeve Shirt,  Acheval Pampa