Interview: Marc Lamey


Interview: Marc Lamey


Marc Lamey is professional French photographer located in Paris France. Marc focus mainly on portraiture photography, fashion  and on implementing beauty into cityscape.

Marc Lamey had been published on cover of several French Magazine including , Photo, Réponse Photo, Compétence Photo, also on magazine Popular Photography (USA).



When and how did you decided that you want to be a photographer?

My decision to become a photographer was influenced by my family and I started back in 2002 with wildlife photography. Later 2008 I start to work with modeling photography.

Was it your dream job?

It was an inaccessible dream as back in the late 70’s, paying for high level equipment was only a dream for me.

What was the first thing or person that you photographed?

The first thing I photographed was a Lion in the Kruger National Park, located in South Africa.

Which photoshoot was the most memorable for you?

It is hard to pick-up one, because there are so many, hard to pick-up one… One of most memorable days were when I had a project “Radical Beauty”. The project were about beauty related with Down syndrome. Nice and cute woman, named Kathleen, had a dream of doing a fashion and beauty photo-shooting. Together we realized her dream and that day with Kathleen was magical – full of positive energy and pleasure.

Which photographer do you admire the most?

In my top list of inspiring people in photography there is Helmut Newton, Rankin, LaChapelle, Man Ray, Bourdin.

What do you like to shoot the most?

Fashion and beauty in an artistic way.

When you take a photo, how can you describe that moment? Can you detach yourself from reality?

When the thing, that you have in mind become concrete and/or when suddenly the natural light become amazing, and when you have the picture thru the viewfinder at the time you “click” , and that you know without looking at it that this picture is very good, you get a big adrenaline shock.

How do you imagine your ideal location for shooting?

A fantastic sunrise shooting of a model in a remote and beautiful landscape, with nobody around sounds perfect for me.

If your photos had a soundtrack, which songs would you choose?

All my pictures on social media have a soundtrack associated with them. However it is for the mood of the music, the lyrics or title of the song that fit what I want to express. I am a big fan of music. It inspires me and creates photographic ideas in my head. With 15 000 different pieces that cover from classic to punk, pop, metal.

Your job takes you often travel and visit many countries; What fascinates you more than an unfamiliar place?

I’ve crossed the planet many time, visited more than 100 countries. I love remote places with nobody and also some spectacular cities. This summer I went for a shooting in Escalante national park in the USA, taking a tuff 4*4 path after a flowding, and we were unsure we could go thru (and back) or not. This generate a lot of emotions and when we find a spot we liked in the bad muds it was like being on another planet, nobody around at 30 miles, strange ground, plants that looks like alien, amazing light and all these details make a shooting fascinating.

What is the most important if you want to be a good photographer?

In my opinion most important is creativity, having your own style and not copying. Be able to read the light however it is outside or in studio. Experiment a lot and know perfectly the technique which you are working.

If you weren’t a photographer which profession would you choose?

I’m an Engineer by design and study, furthermore I had been for long in high level management in large corporations, so probably I would choose these fields.