Interview: Barbara Sanchez


Interview: Barbara Sanchez


Thanks to The Lab Models


Spotlight on Barbara Sanchez, new face of The Lab Models.


Do you remember your first photo shoot? What was the feeling?

“That’s me? I see myself?” It was the first thing I said in my first test shooting that was in Argentina. I thought about how a person changes through a shoot, as can be transmitted through a photograph, be it sympathy, melancholy, charisma, anger, sadness, etc.

What have you learned from modeling? 

I learned different cultures and languages, but it is not easy to be in this fashion world, you have to learn to be strong and show the world who you are. Learn from yourself.

What do you like the most and the least about modeling industry?

I like to meet new people, discover new places and get new experiences, but I really don’t like waiting for a cast because I’m quite anxious person.

Where have you traveled with modeling? What has been your favorite city to visit?

I had the opportunity to tour in Europe, Paris, Milan, Germany, Rome and New York.

Milan is one of the cities that I like the most, because of it’s quiet places and I would really like to live here in the future.

What have been the weirdest thing ever happened to you on the set? 

I consider myself a fun person, I always try to make people laugh, either on a shoot or in the backstage of a show, doing crazy things like dancing or singing. I like good energy when it comes to work.

Modeling is also about waiting… Waiting for your makeup, hair and etc. How do you spend this time? 

I take a book with me or I listen to my favorite music, but I also like to be attentive to what happens around me, talk to the team and met new people.

What is your relationship with fashion? Do you like to play with colors and different combinations? 

I love fashion business, in my free-time design clothes, it’s my hobby. I admire the vintage style of the 70s and 80s, especially when it comes to the world of rock.

What about the social media? Could you stay offline or it is necessary to be in the middle of everything?

I really think that for today, social networks is important if you are a model. It is where you can share your tastes, if you are working, what you are doing in your free time and other things.

But it is necessary to get away from time to time, a break and try to live life not only through a phone or computer, because not everything we see in them is real.

What are you looking for in your next job? Do you have a dream job?

I would like to have my clothing brand. I love the fashion business, especially when it comes to designing clothes.