Interview with photographer Anna Daki


Interview with photographer Anna Daki


Interview with photographer Anna Daki

When and how you decided that you wanted to be a photographer?  

I was studying Architecture and was pretty happy about it, just out of curiosity started to check fashion magazines like Vogue preferably old ones and with photographers like Paolo Roversi, Peter Lindberg, and Steven Klein. When I was 18 I saved for my first camera and started just for fun to take photos of my friends in University, than when I moved to London to finish my architecture degree one of my friends suggested to apply to model agencies and do more images with London models, thats basically how its started after I finished BA in Architecture I moved to Germany and started photography as a full-time  job.

It was your dream job? 

At the beginning not really, i thought its too much about glamour and about big cities, i thought its impossible to start a successful photography career in Odessa, Ukraine. But it evolved from a hobby to a dream job in 2-3 years.

Who’s the photographer you admire the most and why? 
Peter Lindberg, for his simplicity and true photography.

When you take a photo, how do you live this moment. Can you detach yourself from reality? 

When I’m on the shooting I’m like in my own world, very focused and thats why sometimes can work without music or with one song playing over and over again, i just forget about it when Im fully concentrated. To be honest Im never detaching myself too much from the reality, i want to be in place, want to be with my team, and my shoots are usually a team work we need to be all connected. But there is also my personal projects that I do one on one with model, than its a different story.

Your job takes you often travel and visit many countries; What fascinates you more than an unfamiliar place? It can be an ideal location to make the shots? 

Most of the time if I travel its for a job and i think its the most amazing thing in my work, to see new places, always incredible locations, from military shooting ground in London, to the beach of Mexico. Its usually a bit more stress than in the studio but results are definitely worth it! But I believe photographer can produce great shoots on any location.

Who’s the first person you have photographed ? 

My brother Roman was the first person I photographed, he was always there, and he is super handsome.

How did you feel on your first show ​/exhibition​?  
On my first show I was super exited and nervous! Was amazing to see expressions of people next to my images, and was nice to realise that most of the people had their favourite images, how they are connected.

What a feeling you feel when someone appreciates and “reads” your photos? 
Its an amazing feeling, when someone realises my work its for me the best compliment!

If your photos had a soundtrack, which songs you’d choose? 

Summertime – Louis Armstrong & Ella Fitzgerald

If you weren’t a photographer which job you would like to do and why? 
I would be a doctor, for sure! Im so fascinated by human body!